I’m sure that you’ve heard about the importance of fish oils right?
But do you know why fish oils are so important for you?
This is an essential nutrient in your health because it has the most important missing nutrient in the American diet today.
Omega-3 fats.
Fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, however, there is a lot of fish that are contaminated with toxins such as mercury or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) which are manmade chemicals that pose a serious health risk.
Omega-3s can do wonderful things for your health, from helping you beat prostate cancer to improving your mental health.
Over 2,000 scientific studies have demonstrated the wide range of problems associated with omega-3 deficiencies, including:
-Memory Problems
-Weight Gain
-Heart Disease
Your brain is more than 60 percent fat!
It needs high-quality omega-3 fats called DHA to properly function.
If you don't have much DHA in your blood, your body may use man-made trans-fat molecules, such as PCBs which can lead to problems.
This is why it’s crucial to purchase high-quality fish oils from a local health food store and when buying fish, buy local and organic!
ACTION STEP: Krill oil is the best source of omega-3s. Take time to implement quality omega-3s into your diet. Ask if you need a quality supplement. We've got great resources for you!
Your Douglas County Chiropractic Team
Health Revolution Chiropractic
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