It’s a beautiful time of year, and as we go through this season we will see many changes.
Flowers will bud and bloom, grass will become green and some of you will start to plant seeds for your garden.
As you tend to your garden it grows, but it needs much attention, sunlight, water, and nutrients.
If you miss any one of these key elements then it is likely that you will not see healthy growth in your garden.
Your health is similar!
Our goal is to provide you with valuable nutrients/resources for you to live a healthier and happier life.
As we help you plant these seeds of good health, it is up to you to nurture these seeds by implementing lifestyle changes at home.
Some of the more common and simple things you can focus on right now can be:
-Drink 1/2 Bodyweight in ounces: This will increase energy, weight loss, and complexion.
-Enjoy The Sun: Exposure to sunlight provides us with a natural source of vitamin D, which is vital for health!
-Get Plenty of Rest: 7-8 hours of sleep a night will help your body to be refreshed and rejuvenated.
-Be Positive. A positive attitude promotes healing and an overall sense of well-being.
By nurturing these seeds to good health, you will see your energy, relationships, and life blossom!
ACTION: Schedule a nighttime reminder for when to go to bed so you get 7-8 hours of sleep. Schedule time to get out in the sun and soak up some vitamin D. Start drinking more water. Tell yourself healthy affirmations in the morning when you wake up.
Your Douglas County Chiropractic Team
Health Revolution Chiropractic
ps. click here to download this tip of the week to print or share the gift of health with a loved one