Traditional medicine tells us that we must take a pill to create health in our bodies.
This means that since birth most people have been taught that health and healing come from the outside in, medicine, lotions, etc. This is an outside – in approach.
So the question to ponder is “how does your body heal from a cut?” This process takes place inside your body for an external result.
Your brain and spinal cord make up what is known as your nervous system.
And this system controls every function of the human body.
When your nervous system is healthy, your body can be healthy and proper healing can take place.
When there is stress on the nervous system, cells, tissues, and organs become unstable and unhealthy.
This can result in symptoms, illness, or dis-ease.
Traditional allopathic approaches to this phenomenon are to treat a person with medication or surgery. This is the outside – in approach.
Chiropractic adjustments help keep your nervous system functioning properly by removing stress on your nervous system so that your body can function properly.
This means that healing comes from your brain - Above and down your spinal cord, inside your body and expresses health - Out. Above, down, inside, and out.
This is why chiropractic care has helped people with all sorts of symptoms!
A.D.I.O. > This is why so many people have experienced such positive results through chiropractic care.
Your Douglas County Chiropractic Team
Health Revolution Chiropractic
ps. click here to download this tip of the week to print or share the gift of health with a loved one