New Year's Resolutions & Working Not Harder
Many people use New Year’s resolutions to better themselves and their lives.
Goals can also be set at any time in the year to work towards improving your life in all categories - FAITH, HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, & WEALTH.
We want to help you be more successful this year, and start with a solid, goal-setting plan.
Your written New Year’s resolution or life goal should be S.M.A.R.T. to be successful.
-Specific - What exactly needs to be accomplished? Who else may be involved? Where will it take place? etc.
-Measurable - How will I know I have achieved it? How many steps will it take to achieve my goal?
-Attainable - Is this goal too easy or too hard to achieve? Do I have the resources to achieve this goal?
-Relevant - Can I fully commit to this goal?
-Time-bound - When do I need to take action and when is the deadline?
Take time to answer each of these questions as you create your goal.
This process can help you decide if the goal is a good fit for you or if you need to revise it to ensure success.
The S.M.A.R.T. goal process can also be used for any goal.
By being S.M.A.R.T., you will be on your way to reaching your goal!
ACTION: Identify a goal you want to achieve - use this process to help ensure your success
We hope this helps you, and let us know if you ever need anything!
Your Douglas County Chiropractic Team
Health Revolution Chiropractic
ps. click here to download this tip of the week to print or share the gift of health with a loved one